Saturday, January 23, 2010


A few days ago I had jury duty. Call me bitter but I do not feel like I owe anything to the government. Especially not the legal system. That is not what I wanted to talk about though. The funny thing about jury duty is that you are giving yourself to the government essentially. The badge actually says "This Badge and badge holder are property of the Department of Justice of California." You can imagine the irony, a Native being the "property" of anything, especially the "justice system." You try and tell any Native he or she is the property of anything much less the united states and see what happens. I laughed it off. But then you can imagine the irony when a mexican man sits next to a white woman in this crowded room, who literally mumbles "ew," and then removes herself from her seat and stands. This was not funny too me. Then, as the crowd of potential jurors dwindles a more hilarious scene presents itself. Left in the room are all hispanic people, most of which im sure speak spanish. On the screen is the food channel. Much to my amusement there is a white lady teaching this room full of hispanics to make a wonderful salsa using, not 3, not 2, not 1, but ZERO chilis! And just as my name is called I have a sudden urge to use the restroom. Now that's what I call civil DUTY.

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